Sunday Services

Here's what you can expect on a Sunday morning.


Beginning at 10:30am, a variety of refreshments are on the patio for you to enjoy as you connect with people before the service begins.

Worship Service

Worship in the sanctuary begins at 11:00am. Our unique seating is arranged so that participants can see, interact, and encourage one another as we worship together.

Service Features

During the service, we will:

  • Sing praise songs and hymns

  • Prayerfully give tithes and offerings

  • Participate in a brief children's lesson before they head off to Sunday School

  • Hear a message

  • Separate into small groups to discuss the sermon and pray

  • Close the service with a blessing

Special Luncheons

On occasion, a luncheon will follow, providing another opportunity for everyone to further connect with one another over food and fellowship.

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