LIFE Groups
(Living in Faith Everyday)
Our LIFE groups are created to allow participants to explore the depths of the Bible together within a supportive community. These groups not only enable us to gain a deeper understanding of Scripture but also offer a space to build stronger relationships with one another. In these groups, we can support and uplift each other through life's highs and lows.
Here are our current offerings:
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Leader: Janine Cooney
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Temple City, CA
Every week
Leaders: Paul & Kathie Ashworth
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Sierra Madre, CA
Every week
Leader: Bill Grainger
Time: 10:30am
Location: Fireside Room, Church Campus
Young Adults
2nd & 4th Sundays
Leaders: Shawn Halim & Becca Johannsen
Time: 1:00pm
Location: Room 1, Church Campus