Children's Ministries

We believe children are a vital part of our congregation and we value the blessing it is to be able to teach them all about the ways of Jesus.

"But Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.'”

Matthew 19:14

Here's what

you can expect

Upon arrival, parents/guardians will sign children in. Children also need to be signed out after church.

We are committed to children's safety and our adult teachers and helpers go through a background check and interview procedure.

Everyone worships together during the music portion of our service. Just before the sermon, the children will have a special lesson with the pastor prior to being dismissed to their own Sunday School classes. Infants through preschool meet in Room 2 (the nursery). First through fifth graders meet in Room 8. Children are also welcome to stay in the sanctuary for the rest of the service instead.

For parents/guardians in need of a private space while also wanting to hear any part of the service, the narthex is available.

First time participants are asked to complete a release form. Click here to download the form:

If you have any questions, feel free to fill out our contact form by clicking here: